Onboarding Process

CSR (Certificate Signing Request)

When you onboard an EGS (Electronic Generated System) unit for the first time or renew an existing device, you need to submit a CSR. The CSR acts as a unique identifier for your EGS unit, proving its identity to the e-invoicing platform and ZATCA (Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority).

After filling in the first two tabs in the business settings, click on "Onboard" in the integration tab, then enter the OTP generated from the Fatoorah platform to generate the CSR.

Inputs Required for CSR

The system automatically reads all the required data for generating the CSR from the other tabs in the ZATCA business settings. The specific information required includes:

  • Common Name (CN):

    • Provide either the name or an asset tracking number for your EGS unit (Company Unit).
  • EGS Serial Number:

    • Submit details such as the manufacturer/EGS provider name, model/version, and serial number (Company Unit Serial).
  • Organization Identifier:

    • Your VAT Registration number (15 digits, starting and ending with 3).
  • Organization Unit Name:

    • If part of a VAT group, include the 10-digit TIN (Tax Identification Number) of individual group members (The additional ID, e.g., CRN).
  • Organization Name:

    • Mention your organization’s name (Seller Name).
  • Country Name:

    • Use the two-letter country code (SA for Saudi Arabia).
  • Invoice Type (Functionality Map):

    • Specify the type of invoices your EGS unit will issue (e.g., standard tax, simplified tax).
  • Address:

    • Provide the branch address or primary location of your EGS unit.
  • Industry:

    • Describe the industry or sector for which your EGS generates invoices (Company Category).

Ensuring all these fields are correctly filled out is essential to avoid CSR rejection.

Compliance Checks

After generating the CSR and onboarding it on Fatoorah, click on “Perform Compliance Checks.” ZATCA requires a sample of the invoices that will be generated by the integrated system after creating the CSR. These checks ensure that your EGS complies with ZATCA specifications.

A default sales taxes and charges template must be existing to the onboarded company

Use the compliance request from onboarding to perform compliance checks for the different invoice types. This is a prerequisite to retrieving a production CSID (Production Certificate Signing Identifier).

After completing the necessary compliance checks, you’ll receive confirmation that your EGS unit meets the requirements.

The user can check the result of the compliance checks in the error log.

Production CSID

The process of obtaining a PCSID after successful compliance checks during the onboarding stage includes:

  • Get PCSID:

    • Once the checks are successful, proceed to obtain the PCSID by clicking on the “Get PCSID” option.
    • Enter the OTP (One-Time Password) when prompted.
  • PCSID Creation:

    • After entering the OTP, the PCSID will be generated. The PCSID serves as a unique identifier for your EGS unit in the production environment.

By including this additional detail, it clarifies that the system automatically pulls the necessary data for CSR generation from the other tabs in the ZATCA business settings, ensuring a smooth and compliant onboarding process.


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