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About Us

Our journey started more than two decades ago with a group of technology enthusiasts who had a dream of solving the technical pains that businesses & organizations face, helping them achieve a smooth digital transformation. In 2004, our founders delivered their first full fledged project with smashing success and went on to work on their dream. Finally, during early 2017, this dream officially turned into Lavaloon. With the early small group of technology enthusiasts who had the original dream now being market experts with over 20 years of experience, the dream crystallized into a rising start up. With the bold goal of solving the pain of system integration that all businesses face, we are working on delivering ready made integration solutions that take only a few days to implement! Our goal is to completely solve the pain that any business or organization faces during their digital transformation journeys, which is the difference in technologies between the various systems and the need for high end, costly system integration to maintain smooth operations. Lavaloon is built around the novel idea of providing businesses and organizations with ready made system integration solutions, removing the hassle of having to expend greatly in time , money, and waste human effort & resources just because they don’t have access to effective integration solutions.

We’re built on the dream of integration. Our vision is to enrich the quality of the software industry by integrating with the most known and used system in the world to be able to serve all businesses worldwide in minimal time. We see ourselves as nothing other but adding value to all our stakeholders and having a footprint in every country on the globe!

Working totally on the cloud, we aim to serve all businesses worldwide with ready made integration solutions that would help remove the pain of working with different systems and the hassle of finding solutions to solve this pain. Accordingly, we are on a mission to be the “Missing Link”. Being well experienced in the industry and with customer needs in our focus point, we are building our solutions around those needs to solve the common pains customers face .Through leveraging our ability to implement business experience at first base, we are dedicated to deliver value to the whole industry through a winner team not afraid of innovating and experimenting, and hence able to develop novel solutions.

Our Values

At Lavaloon we believe in and foster “One Dream, One Team”, where we view all stakeholders as our Partners in Success; from our core team to our strategic partners, to our clients, and even our suppliers, we see everyone as an integral part to helping us achieve our dream.

From this, a few values were derived that we always go by:




Time & Cost Effectivenes


Values Based Performance


Being the Missing Link








Global Accessibility


From our Values, our Culture was autonomously created and from our values

we found that our cultural pillars are:

Empowering People

We empower our customers through removing one of their foremost business operations pain, which is the unmet need of technology integrations and integration solutions to the technologies they adopted to digitally transform their businesses and help them perform better.

We empower our partners by complementing their offerings with an integral part that would allow them to fulfill their promises to their clients. Finally, we empower our suppliers through a flexible environment centered around innovation, free flow of business expertise, and mutual benefits.

Being Selective

To be able to deliver the best quality with time and cost-effectiveness we tend to be selective. We’re selective in having only the brightest and most innovative calibers on board. We’re selective in joining efforts with only the top partners and suppliers. We’re even selective in the projects we choose to work on.

We believe being selective is what helps us maintain our promise of delivering innovation in the best quality with time and cost-effectiveness and we don’t take that lightly!

The Power of Learning

We believe in the power of learning and how it helps us grow. With the world changing everyday now, and the technology landscape evolving with the speed of light, businesses and all types of organizations cannot afford to not be in a constant learning mode. We also believe that to learn you have to make mistakes, and we are not afraid to take risks, experiment, and make mistakes to learn; in fact, we embrace that.

That’s why along with our partners, clients, and suppliers we are adopting the Growth Mindset where we are all in learning mode with the aim of continuing to grow.